Party Band Hire – Considerations for the Perfect Party in 2024

Party Band For Hire

Where do you start? Considering the best party band for hire is a responsibility only the brave would take on. I have been there, sat for multiple days with my laptop open sifting through website after website for the perfect band. Each time I booked a band I remember becoming faster, more acute in my searching. It wasn’t until much later in life, after 100’s of bookings, that I had developed my own personal checklist. In this post, I intend to share some of my top considerations, which will help you shape yours. 

What’s the party type and what party band for hire matches?

My university parties were a stark contrast to some of the evening parties I organised in the later years! My first point of reference is to consider the guest list. University student me certainly would not have appreciated the many of the dinner party bands I have arranged since. Question, and question again. And cater to the majority. My mentor once told me, fun is contagious. More often than not the genre of the music is a distant second consideration to the energy of the band. Fun is contagious.

How much to hire a band for a party?

Party band hire can be complex to price. So much emphasis is put on price and budgets when it comes to party planning, the inertia can distract from something quite elusive: connection. There is a band for hire out there to fit your budget, your taste, and that will connect with you and your guests. Refocus your efforts to the very essence of your party and hiring a band for it will take on a new relevance.

Find the connection with a party band by watching the media

The subjective appreciation of music can be a factor to consider when searching for your next band hire. I have learned how the importance of watching the media of prospective bands. With so many websites claiming to have the best bands for hire at the tip of your finger tips this is a golden nugget: How many videos are showing the audience having an amazing time? Well, that is what I am looking for. That the energy from the band is contagious and the audience is engaged. If you are looking for connected audiences, check out Electro Swing Project rocking the floor.

What is right for you may be something different to others

Reviews have become part of our modern day culture and, as searchers, we are heavily reliant on the information of others. There are some things in life that need to be done alone, however. In line with how much, the party type, and the connection if you feel you have found the right band; you are probably right. There is something special about the end of the night when you know everyone has had an amazing time and it was down to your choice of the band. I live for those moments.

Anything else you should think about?

Whether you are responsible for the party band or the whole party, you need peace of mind. By carefully hiring a band that is in line and connected with your vision, you will have a successful and enjoyable event. It was inevitable that I would end up working with a band one day, and now here I am. Still driven by the very values that enabled my party planning business, Electro Swing Project ticks all the boxes. At the start of each of my successful parties was a conversation – so reach out, lets get it started!

For more information on how to hire the incredible Electro Swing Band click here.